The study will cover 3 different production lines for the poultry industry: 1. Broilers, 2. Egg laying hens, 3. Dual purpose production lines. For each line, 2 different husbandry systems will be investigated: a) Intensive (not for the dual purpose, since it is not currently applicable), b) Extensive. For the goats industry, one production line (milk production) will be investigated, focusing on breeds with: 1) High and 2) Medium milk production potential. For each breed, 2 different husbandry systems will be studied: a) Intensive, b) Extensive.
Each combination of line-farming system (poultry) or breed-farming system (goats) will be assessed in terms of i) animal health & welfare indicators, ii) milk yield (goats), eggs and meat production & quality (poultry), iii) consumer-demand-driven reshape potential and iv) intrinsic quality of the derived products based on nutritional value, hygiene/safety and general organoleptic/sensorial traits.