Category: Meetings


WORKSHOP: Evaluating and enriching ecosystems for the dairy goat sector

CyRIC successfully completed the final workshop on the evaluation of the ecosystems that were built earlier in the project as part of WP8. The ecosystems were achieved under the guidance of our partners from the Eindhoven University of Technology. The workshop focused on the goat dairy sector with participants being stakeholders from the entire value…
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July 17, 2024 0

M36 Consortium Meeting in Athens, Greece

Last week we met in Athens, Greece to mark the project’s 36 months. The partners had fruitful discussions and constructed new plans on how to achieve the project’s goals.A big thank you to ICCS – NTUA that hosted us and organized the meeting, our partners at the Agricultural University of Athens for facilitating the visit…
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May 27, 2024 0

📢 Taste panels progress!

The teams have been busy test-tasting these past few months as part of our promise to conduct taste panels in 4 countries and 5 locations! The products were goat milk, goat cheese, chicken eggs and chicken meat, all originating from our pilot farms involved in Code: Re-farm. So, how did it go down during the…
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February 21, 2024 0

📌M30 – Consortium Meeting in Novi Sad, Serbia

Last week, we held our designated M30 consortium meeting marking challenges and opportunities for the next period. We met in Novi Sad in Serbia, and our hosts were our partners at the BioSense Institute. Next consortium meet up in 📌 Athens in late spring.

December 1, 2023 0

M24 Consortium Meeting

The partners met for a two-day meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece marking the completion of two years of Code:Re-farm! The meeting was hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The group had the opportunity to discuss the current project status, reflect upon achievements and bottlenecks so far, and plan the next period ahead. A big thank…
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May 12, 2023 0

M18 Consortium meeting

The partners met in November in Italy for a two day meeting that marked completion of the first eighteen months of the project. Consiglio Nazionalle delle Ricerche hosted the Consortium at their premises in Rome. Plans for the next six months were made and further technical meetings were held between the partners.

November 8, 2022 0

M12 Consortium meeting

On June 9-10th the Code:Re-farm Consortium met in the Netherlands for a meeting hosted by partner AERES, to participate in the planned M12 consortium meeting. The first day was devoted to presentations of the currently active work packages and tasks, issues were discussed and solutions were presented. Day 2, the Consortium split into two groups,…
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June 8, 2022 0

M6 Consortium meeting

The meeting for the marking six months of implementation of Code: Re-farm was held as a teleconference, organized by our Coordinator. All partners were represented and announced their plans for the next 6months! 

December 14, 2021 0