M36 Consortium Meeting in Athens, Greece


M36 Consortium Meeting in Athens, Greece

May 27, 2024 Development Dissemination material Meetings 0

Last week we met in Athens, Greece to mark the project’s 36 months. The partners had fruitful discussions and constructed new plans on how to achieve the project’s goals.
A big thank you to ICCS – NTUA that hosted us and organized the meeting, our partners at the Agricultural University of Athens for facilitating the visit to the Agromilk Co. ltd. 🐐 farm and Agromilk Co. ltd. on arranging a fun afternoon for all.

During the farm visit BioSense Institute responsible for the development of a clinical mastitis detection tool and ICCS – NTUA with their-camera set up using AI for animal health, welfare & behaviour assessments, demonstrated their tools at the Agromilk Farm. Earlier this month, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Technische Universität Wien also visited the farm where they installed their tool for direct measurement of enteric methane and the molecular dispersion spectroscopic method and tool for gas monitoring spectroscopy.
🐐 🐔
Until next time 🙂
#h2020 #EUfunded #husbandrysystems #animalwelfare #consumerdemands

CyRIC | Cyprus Research & Innovation Center Ltd Agricultural University of Athens ICCS – NTUA BioSense Institute Aeres Noldus Information Technology Alpes Lasers Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) Eindhoven University of Technology EXUS Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Technische Universität Wien Agromilk Co. ltd. REM Analytics @Caprilait Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Tecnoalimenti S.C.p.A. University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet) @AGROTIKOS KTINOFORIKOS SYNETAIRISMOS VOLOU-AIGA FYLIS SKOPELOU Società Agricola Accadia Verde S.r.l.


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